HTTPS in Sitecore

I would always recommend running all production site cms’ using security on the transport layer (https). Sitecore or no Sitecore, it is not safe to first send username and password unencrypted and then following having an insecure session cookie for the authentication information. This applies for both extranet users and the backend administrators.

A basic best practice is simply to ensure that all requests containing authentication information such as the .ASPXAUTH cookie used by ASP.NET, only gets transferred using the https scheme.

For more about this I will soon write a quick post showing how to hijack any Sitecore instance using only cookie information. I will not show how to obtain the cookie information just how to scare any project manager or site owner into requiring https.


First step in securing your site is of course to obtain a SSL/TLS certificate of preferably minimum 256 bit encryption strength. To ease our world as developers Microsoft has made an IIS Express Certificate available in IIS 7.


This makes testing https an ease without having to create a certificate using open ssl as were required back in the days.

Ensuring https in Sitecore

The simplest approach I found has been using a HttpRequestProcessor in the httpRequestBegin pipeline to check if the current request should use https and if it is not then change the scheme of the current url and redirect.

It can be quite annoying having to use https in the development environment which is why I’ve added a check on a custom Sitecore setting if https should be used at all. The first if sentence checks if this setting is false and then if https is used already.

And in config:

The following checks in the processor ensures that no matter what all authenticated requests and all requests for anything beneath /sitecore is redirected to https. Otherwise the RequiresTransportSecurityService is used to check whether or not this request requires https.

In this service I read the value of a checkbox field on the Context.Item. The check could also return true for any item residing beneath /members, /login or similar.

I like the checkbox better though since it makes it possible to set it as being ticked on any page without code or config changes. Having it ticked on a login page ensures that when logging in from that page no authenticated requests should risk running over http by accident but if the user navigates away from the page without logging in the site goes back to using http. Random pages which contain Forms created by the editors can also be secured without any need for code changes.


The last thing for the pipeline processor to do is to perform the redirect. For changing the scheme on the current URI I made the following service class:

The processor should run after the layout for the page has been resolved which means that in an out-of-the-box Sitecore solution this config element should be patched after Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.LayoutResolver

That is it, this code will ensure https in your Sitecore slution.

A small note for css / js resources is never to include a scheme when referencing these that is a big no-no.

Instead use a relative path for css resources and for external JS libraries just use “//<path>” covering any scheme for example:

<script src=”//“></script>

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Anders Laub Christoffersen

Anders has been working with Sitecore for over a decade and has in this time been the lead developer and architect on several large scale enterprise solutions all around the world. Anders was appointed the title of Sitecore Technical MVP in 2014 and has been re-appointed the title every year since then.

4 thoughts on “HTTPS in Sitecore

  1. Why not using the IIS Rewrite to ensure https redirect? That can be xml-transformed config so you can avoid ssl on dev and enable it on prod only.. Just curious as I am using the Rewrite module for that.

    • Update on my recommendation :

      Always use https

      This post was written 3 years ago and shows how to ensure Sitecore Client and select pages run https only.

      Today I recommend always to use https only. For this you can use the urlrewrite module or off-load encryption.

      In late 2014 Google announced that this was a best practice to keep the Internet secure. They even started weighing encryption as a page rank signal. See

      Also note that this blog has been running https only since then.

      The content of this post is still valid for those that for some reason want to mix schemes and protect logged in sessions from being hijacked.

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