Month: November 2014
Sitecore 7.5 Analytics templates bug
Found an interesting bug today in a Sitecore 7.5 installation and I think it is worth sharing. I have to mention that Sitecore Support has been notified and they are working on an official fix. I have noticed this issue after I upgraded from version 7.2 but also on clean installations. If you navigate to…
Generic extension methods for Sitecore ContentSearch
I would first like to mention that the code shown in this post is not originally mine. I’ve been using it quite often lately and made some tweaks to it which is why I think it deserves a quick blog post. Some of the code originate from my colleague Uli Weltersbach, he wrote a blog post on…
Sitecore 7.5 Analytics and user manipulation in Engagement plans
I have recently had the interesting and challenging task of upgrading a Sitecore 7.2 installation to the newest Sitecore 7.5. In the project we were extensively using Analytics code which had to be updated. That is where the fun began. In our solution we had to manipulate users in engagement plans. Users had to be added,…